Space follows life follows space
Good evening! My name is Joachim Schmidt and this is Markus Ulrich. Together with our team we build archigraphus, an office for architecture. Quite often people ask us: "What's your profession, what's your specification?" We always get in trouble finding an answer, so most of the times we say:
Space follows life follows space
Good evening! My name is Joachim Schmidt and this is Markus Ulrich. Together with our team we build archigraphus, an office for architecture. Quite often people ask us: "What's your profession, what's your specification?" We always get in trouble finding an answer, so most of the times we say:
Space follows life follows space
"We handle space." The next question is: "Oh, that's interesting, what kind of space, interior, exterior ...?" "Space, just space."
So today we're happy to have the opportunity to explain what the meaning of space for us is.
Space follows life follows space
Well, even now, we don't have that much time, so here we go:
Space is a Process – use + re-use – space follows life follows space!
You will see some pictures and statements and we will tell some stories, which will hopefully make you curious.
Space is a process
There are different ways of looking at this wall:
> the realistic way: this is a rotten wall
> or the archigraphus way: this is a poetic wall telling its own story about life and time in space.
We placed pictures on this wall exactly where we took them. The wall does not exist anymore, only the images.
Space is a process
There are different ways to look at urban spaces:
Change your perspective and you’ll see more than it seems to be. Discover so-called forbidden spaces and realize that your city is always under construction > yesterday, today, in the future. Space is a process.
Space is more than it seems
Until the 60es the abandoned yellow casern existed in the eastern district of Aachen. It represented the heart of social life in this quarter. To win space for a park the casern was demolished. Especially elderly people regret its disappearance.
This is Andreas who strolls around with a yellow stele. [steal]
Space is more than it seems
By reusing these former lamp-masts we demonstrate the angles and dimensions of the casern. You can take a look through spy holes in our installation to identify the size and position of the disappeared casern. Sign-boards allocated all over the district tell stories about the history of the park, the casern and the quarter-life.